Anna Pop-Up

  • 20/11/2024 • 30/11/2024

    Never Ending Story - Anthony Blokdijk, Tawhida Engelenburg, Yunus Engelenburg, Sarina Missot

    The exhibition consists of several installations (drawings, paintings, sculptures and photos) and ‘props/costumes’ with the unifying theme of ’transformation’.
    Think of work that is always in development, the recycling of existing works, other realities/frequencies, the discarding of ‘old’ identities and transforming images under the influence of light.
    During the exhibition there is an open walk-in ‘workshop’ where participants can elaborate on a ‘collaborative work of art’ Never Ending Story through text and images.
    During Hoogtij there will be a performance by Tawhida Engelenburg with words and sounds.

About Anna Pop-Up

Anna Pop-UpJavastraat 138A2585 AX Den Haag Nederland

Javastraat 138A
2585 AX Den Haag
